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Praizes for Praized!
"The app is very smooth and quite addictive (...). It's certainly much better than the other place-rating apps I've seen."
Roberto Rocha, Montreal Gazette
"The combination of community-sourced local search and social ratings makes for a strong combination that owners of community or niche-based sites will likely find extremely useful."
AppScout, PC Magazine
"...the company appears to have achieved a trifecta necessary to set it up for success: (1) compelling/useful product; (2) “vision”
- management who get how to target a non-saturated market niche; and (3) partnerships with the sorts of companies that can help drive success faster."Chris Smith, Natural Search Blog
[Answers] could morph into a FourSquare-like or an Aardvark-like site in mobile."
Greg Sterling, Screenwerk